Benefits of Healthy Marriages
For Children and Youth
Researchers have found many benefits for children and youth who are raised by parents in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following:
More likely to Attend College
More likely to Succeed Academically
Physically Healthier
Emotionally Healthier
Less likely to Attempt or Commit Suicide
Demonstrate less behavioral problems in school
Less likely to be a victim of physical or sexual abuse
Less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
Less likely to commit delinquent behaviors
Have a better relationship with their mothers and fathers
Decreases their chances of divorcing when they get married
Less likely to become pregnant as a teenager, or impregnate someone
Less likely to be sexually active as teenagers
Less likely to contract STD’s
Less likely to be raised in poverty
For Women
Researchers have found many benefits for woman who are in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following:
More satisfying relationship
Emotionally healthier
Less likely to be victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or other violent crimes
Less likely to attempt or commit suicide
Decrease risk of drug and alcohol abuse
Less likely to contract STD’s
Less likely to remain or end up in poverty
Have better relationships with their children
Physically healthier
For Men
Researchers have found many benefits for men who are in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following:
Live longer
Physically healthier
Increase in the stability of employment
Higher wages
Emotionally healthier
Decrease risk of drug and alcohol abuse
Having better relationships with their childres
Most satisfying sexual relationship
Less likely to commit violent crimes
Less likely to contract STD’s
Less likely to attempt or commit suicide
For Communities
Researchers have found many benefits for communities when they have a higher percentage of couples in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following:
Higher rates of physically healthy citizens
Higher rates of emotionally healthy citizens
Higher rates of educated citizens
Lower domestic violence rates
Lower crime statistics
Lower teen age pregnancy rates
Lower rates of juvenile delinquency
Higher rates of home ownership
Lower rates of migration
Higher property values
Decreased need for social services
[Source: Why Marriage Matters, Second Edition: Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences, September 2005]
Also see What is a Healthy Marriage? Kristin Anderson Moore; Susan M. Jekielek; Jacinta Brone-Tinkew; Lina Guzman; Suzanne Ryan; Zakia Redd. September 2004
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